Happy Christmas, friends! Today I’m kicking off day 1 of my 8 days of Christmas (trees) home tour! So let’s begin the 2015 Christmas Home Tour with the half bath. Yes, you read that right, my BATHROOM tree. We recently put in a half bath upstairs and I’m just so in love with it. No more having to go downstairs in the middle of the night. No more getting ready in a dark bathroom in the morning. It’s fabulous and it’s all thanks to my incredibly talented and handy husband. So since I love this bathroom so much, I figured it just had to have a tree to match! Currently, we do not have a door for the bathroom. It’s a long story but due to slanted ceilings and me not liking the old door, we decided to forgo one for now since it’s upstairs and we’re the only ones who use it. We have a door at the bottom of our stairs so that can be closed for privacy.
Prior to being a bathroom, this room was just a small, empty storage space. Pipes for plumbing had already been run when we bought the house and they appeared to be original. That was great because it saved us a lot of time and money. Here’s what it looked like during the process, which is pretty much what it looked like before. Last year, I got this tree for $10 from Family Dollar as a last minute purchase. I had run out to try and get some more lights and saw it and had to have it. How can you beat the price? I put it in the hall upstairs and added some ornaments and called it a day. This year, I knew it would be perfect in the white and silver bathroom. I bought some inexpensive silver balls at Christmas Tree Shop and added the ribbon, doily snowflakes my Nana made years ago along with some other silver ornaments I had. My mom had previously used the silver tree skirt but last year it ended up in my possession so it was kismet!
I love the way it looks at night – such a soft glow. Plus it makes for a much prettier night light! I added the silver tinsel wreath to the laundry hamper but unfortunately just had to rest it on top because apparently you can’t use Command Hooks on wallpaper. I would have been in big trouble if I’d ripped off the wallpaper. Good thing I read the directions for once!
And since I never shared the bathroom once it was done, here’s a look at whole thing.
Next time we’ll be moving downstairs for a look at the hallway and guest room trees! Have a great day!