Hello there, friends! I hope 2017 is off to a great start for you! I’ve been busy working on little projects around the house and doing some reorganizing. I love a good organization project, especially at the beginning of the new year. Speaking of projects, I’m going to share a project that I’ve had in my mind for over a year and never did until the other week. It was so simple and inexpensive, it’s ridiculous! But first, let’s start with what this post is really about: decorating for Valentine’s Day! If you made it here from my Instagram, welcome! I was more than ready to see the Christmas and winter decorations go. I love them but it’s sooooo much work and I really wanted a new look. Target has some great finds in the Dollar Spot as far as Valentine’s Day decor goes. Who am I kidding? They have great finds all year round! As soon as I saw they had the new season out, I snatched up some goodies. I really loved the pink wooden heart for only $3!! Seriously!! I added it to the mantle along with other items I already had like a little glass of skeleton keys I got for Christmas and all the clearance items I got on clearance after the holiday last year at Target. Easy and inexpensive. Our countdown calendar made a comeback again this year. Since Jame and I don’t exchange gifts for Valentine’s Day, we do an advent-esque calendar with those little bags. We swap off with the even and odd days and put little gifts in there for each other. Candy, lottery tickets, small gift cards, etc. It’s fun and gives us something to look forward to after a day at work.
Then I remembered a little project I’d had on the back burner for at least a year but probably longer. I’d bought a mini candy dispenser from Dollar Tree ages ago and put it away in the closet. It was red and would have looked cute with the V-day decor but I had always planned to spray paint it. Now I know you’re probably thinking that spray paint and food is not such a smart idea but I like to walk on the wild side. I’ve been eating M&Ms for over a week and so far I haven’t experienced any spray paint poisoning (knock on wood, haha).
I chose to spray the interior mechanism but looking back, it really doesn’t need to be sprayed if it’s going to be filled with candy because the candy hides it. After the paint was thoroughly dried, I added some Valentine’s Day M&Ms to the dispenser and placed it on the mantle. It’s so cute!!! Now I want to do this for every season. Green or gold candy for St. Patrick’s Day, pastel candy for Easter, red, white and blue for the patriotic holidays….I could go on and on!
I grabbed these furry heart shaped pillows for the couch from the Dollar Spot too for $5. I love how they are neutral to match the couch’s existing pillows but still Valentine themed. Jamie and I have “sides” on the couch. Does anyone else do that too? The pillow on my side is getting a lot of use. It’s so comfy and is the perfect size to put under my neck when I’m relaxing. I’d been having a lot of neck pain for weeks and I’m not saying this pillow cured me but it’s a very interesting coincidence that my pain went away after I started using it. Target Dollar Spot to the rescue!
Next time I’ll share the dining room which has been decorated for the Galentine’s Day brunch I’m hosting on the 12th. It’s a Valentine meets farmhouse theme, naturally, haha!
Have a great day!!
Another great post!